Monday, March 8, 2010

Friendship in Islam


Humans are social creatures by nature. They are always in need of friends and companions. And because they spend most of their lives interacting with others; this can change the way they think, act and speak immensely.

We know that Allah (swt) brought us in this life as a test. Therefore we know we are here on this earth for only a short period of time. Our real lives start after we die. We need to do what is best for us in this life so we can attain Jannah in there hereafter inshallah.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Man is influenced by the faith of his friends, therefore be careful of whom you associate with"

We have to be careful for who we choose as our friends. We need to ask ourselves "Will he help me be a better Muslim?" "Will he wish for me what he wishes for himself?" and "Is he sincere?"

A true friend is that who wishes you well for your success's and lends you a hand in your misfortunes

The Prophet (pbuh) was once asked: "who can be the best friend?" Muhammad (pbuh) replied "That who helps you remember Allah (swt) and reminds you when you forget Him."

On the day of judgment people will have two regrets: 1) Not following the Prophet (pbuh) and 2) Befriending a person who diverted them from the truth.

A good friendship has these signs:
* Increase of Taqwa and Iman
* Urging each other to do good deeds and stopping each other from bad deeds.
* No wastage of each others time/effort and energy
* Discouragment of aimless and sinful talk

Whereas a bad friend will:
* Pose a danger to your iman
* Distract you from Allah's remembrance
* Draw you into sinful activities and make them seem enjoyable
* Justify your faults and mistakes instead of helping you improve them
* Does not want for you what he wants for himself
* Wastes your time
* Flatters you when you dont deserve praise
* Abandons you in your time of trouble

The messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "A muslim is a brother to a muslim. Neither he wrongs him nor hands him over to another. And whoso comes in need of his brother, Allah comes in his need; And whose removes a calamity off a muslim, Allah will remove a calamity from the calamities of the resurrection day; and whoso conceals the faults of a muslim, Allah will conceal his sins on the day of ressurection. --Sahih Bukhari

Whether you realize it or not - friends have a significant impact on your life. So be careful who you choose as your friends. Dont make friends for the sake of it, make sure they care for you like you care for them; and if they dont, talk to them or drop em like a bad habit. Because both you and your life (in this world and the hereafter) matter much more. You have only one life on this earth (in which you are tested the whole time) so do whats best for you.

Live a happy life - with good friends :)



  1. Funny but Thought provoking - About Segregation of Male & Female by ISLAM.

    Science Fact: If you want to get better results at work place or at classroom stop inter-mixing of men and women----------- The findings have implications for the performance of men who flirt with women in the workplace, or even exam results in mixed-sex schools.
    Find out more-----------------

    (Sorry for any objectionable pictures, I am not responsible for them)
    Science Fact: Interacting with women can impair men’s cognitive functioning ====
    Find out more----------------

    Science Fact: - a woman's face is like chocolate, cash (money) or cocaine (Addictive drug) to a man's brain, according to Harvard University researchers NEW YORK (Reuters Health). Find out more----------

    So, the religion of Islam gave us the perfect system of segregation (between men & women), so that men can function properly without being distracted or dumb & to keep the society running smoothly.

    And also we can assume from those information that, it is very important for Muslim women to use Burka/Abaya/Hijab/Niqab/Zilbab to cover their body/face.
    Islamic Evidence for prohibition of mixing of Men & Women:-

  2. Shock survey Of Anglican bishops.

    LONDON: More than half of England’s Anglican bishops say Christians are not obliged to believe that Jesus Christ was God, according to a survey published today.
    The poll of 31 of England’s 39 bishops shows that many of them think that Christ’s miracles, the virgin birth and the resurrection might not have happened exactly as described in the Bible.

    Only 11 of the bishops insisted that Christians must regard Christ as both God and man, while 19 said it was sufficient to regard Jesus as “God’s supreme agent”. One declined to give a definite opinion.
    The poll was carried out by London Weekend Television’s weekly religion show, Credo.
    “DAILY NEWS” 25/6/84


    Another example is the passage attributed to Jesus and used as evidence of reference to the Trinity in the Scriptures. In 1 John 5.7, Jesus was supposed to have said: “There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” The well-known Biblical scholar, Benjamin Wilson, writes that this text concerning the “heavenly witness” is not contained in any Greek manuscript which was written earlier than the 15th century! Consequently, in the Revised Standard Version, this verse was deleted from the text without even so much as a footnote. However, in order to keep the total number of verses in the Revised Standard Version the same as that of the King James Version, the revisers split verse 6 into two verses.

    J.B. Phillips, a canon of the Chichester Cathedral, the Anglican Church of England, wrote the following preface for his translation of the Gospel according to St. Matthew: “Early tradition ascribed this Gospel to the apostle Matthew, but scholars nowadays almost all reject this view. The author, whom we can conveniently call Matthew, has plainly drawn on the mysterious “Q”, which may have been a collection of oral traditions. He has used Mark’s Gospel freely, though he has rearranged the order of events and has in several instances used different words for what is plainly the same story.” The Fourth Gospel (John) was opposed as heretical in the early church, and it knows none of the stories associated with John, son of Zebedee. In the judgement of many scholars, it was produced by a “school” of disciples, probably in Syria in the last decade of the first century.
    4. When the genealogy of Jesus from David in Matthew 1:6-16, is compared to that of Luke 3:23-31, there are major discrepancies. Firstly, Jesus in Matthew has 26 parents between himself and David, but in Luke he has 41. Secondly, the names in both lists vary radically after David, and only two names are the same: Joseph, and Zorobabel. Both lists start off with Joseph, strangely enough, as the father of Jesus, but in Matthew, the author records Jesus’ paternal grandfather as being Jacob, while in Luke he is Heli. If one were to accept the suggestion of some that one of the lists is actually the genealogy of Mary, it could not possibly account for any differences after their common ancestor David. Both lists meet again at Abraham and between David and Abraham most of the names are the same. However, in Matthew’s list, Hezron’s son’s name is Ram, the father of Ammin’adab, while in Luke’s list, Hezron’s son’s name is Arni, whose son’s name is Admin, the father of Ammin’adab. Consequently, between David and Abraham there are 12 forefathers in Matthew’s list and 13 in Luke’s list.
    These discrepancies and many others like them in the Gospels are clearly errors that cast a shadow of doubt on their authenticity as divinely revealed texts. Consequently, most Christian scholars today look at the Old and New Testament books as human accounts which they believe were inspired by God. However, even the claim that they were inspired by God is questionable as it implies that God inspired the authors to write mistakes and contradictions in His scriptures.
